HTML BDO Tag Change Text Direction | CodingSource

HTML BDO Tag Change Text Direction

bdo dir="rtl" is Bi-Directional Override. All popular browsers support the <bdo> tag. The bdo tag is used to override the text in two directions. In short, it overrides the current text direction. The direction is specified along with the dir attribute.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<h1>Bdo tag</h1>

<p>The letters of this paragraph are from left to right.</p>

<p><bdo dir="rtl">The letters of this paragraph are from right to left.</bdo></p>



With the bdo tag, you can write any word or sentence you want in html in the direction you want.

  • The dir=”rtl” attribute means “right to left”.
  • If you want to write the sentence from left to right, you can change dir="ltr".

BDO stands for Bi-Directional Override. The <bdo> tag is used to override the current text direction.

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