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SEO can seem like a really difficult field. This will vary depending on your efforts. How to Stay Up-to-Date in the SEO Industry Lately? I decided to produce this content because I get this question very often.

Stay updated in the SEO Industry

SEO is a set of studies that must be constantly checked and progressed according to a strategy. That's why you should set SEO tasks and create checklists. Without planning and strategy, success does not come and time is wasted. SEO is a collection of tasks. To be successful, you must assign tasks to yourself and complete them.

SEO Checklist: Daily, Weekly and Monthly Task List

The way to be successful in SEO is now undoubtedly through content marketing. Regarding the future of SEO, we can see that the points we paid attention to in the past are still the issues that we pay attention to today. For example;

Succeed in SEO with Content Marketing.

The order property flex and grid is a factor that affects the order of items in a container. Even if the element with the lower order value is written at the end in HTML, it will go to the beginning in the flex box layout.

Flex Order CSS Properties

The flex-flow value is a shortcut to specify the flex-direction wrapping direction of the flexbox and the flex-wrap wrapping behavior in one line. flex-flow: row nowrap is the default.

Flex Flow CSS Properties

The flex-wrap CSS property is used to set elements in a flex box to be compressed over multiple lines on the main-axis. The default value of flex-wrap:nowrap aligns elements in a single line in the direction of writing (row) or block-axis (column) according to the value of flex-direction by compressing the dimensions of the elements.

Flex Wrap CSS Properties and Usage

The flex-direction property determines the ordering direction of the elements inside the flexbox flex box structure. Items are normally lined up in the main-axis direction. According to the main-axis flex-direction feature, it is located in the horizontal position or vertically in the block-axis position.

Flex Direction CSS Properties

To use the flexbox structure, display: flex; or display: inline-flex; must have feature. In a box with a flex property, items are sized appropriately and sorted within the flex container.

Display Flex Box css properties and codes

We can use accent-color to color the form parts we use input and progress. We can use accent-color to color selectable boxes, writable text, markable places.

Accent-Color css property (input, progress)

The HTML <CAPTION> tag is used only once in the TABLE tag to provide a short caption description for the created table. For a broader explanation, the summary property should be used.

Caption Tag Usage Html Tutorials

The <canvas> tag is used to draw graphics on the fly with scripting languages. (Usually Javascript). The <canvas> tag is actually a container, you need to use script to draw graphics. What is the Canvas API feature, which has an important place among the APIs that come with HTML5, and how it works are included with canvas examples.

Where is the Canvas html tag used?

I share with you 120 Seo (Search Engine Optimization) criteria that I personally tested, which you can not find anywhere. These criteria include information recommended by Google and other search engines, as well as information and techniques that I have gained through my own experience.

The best 120 Seo checklist criteria

The <button> tag defines a clickable button. You can put text or image inside the button. We often use buttons on web pages. Buttons are among the sine qua non of “Call to Action” structures. We create buttons with < button > structures.

BUTTON tag usage in html

There are many correct spellings for this tag (<br>), which only allows to go to the bottom line in articles. I will show you the correct spelling of this label below. The <br> tag defines a line break in the text. The <br> tag is an empty tag, so no end tag is used.

BR Tag used for line breaks in html

Body (<body>) is the area and HTML tag that shows all the content, tables, headlines and any other elements you can think of in a page in HTML language. At the moment, everything from the point you see on this page to the comma and all other items in the site are included in the Body, which we define as an HTML tag.

BODY Html tag (main content section)

We use citation tags (<blockquote> and <cite>) to cite other sites, authors, and publications. The W3C recommends using the <blockquote> element. This coding will give us privilege and will offer us the advantages of using a single tag.

Using BLOCKQUOTE and cite html tags

bdo dir="rtl" is Bi-Directional Override. All popular browsers support the <bdo> tag. The bdo tag is used to override the text in two directions. In short, it overrides the current text direction. The direction is specified along with the dir attribute.

HTML BDO Tag Change Text Direction

If the <bdi> (bi-directional Isolation) tag was not defined, the line with the Arabic word would start from the right and the number and text would be replaced. It is used to isolate the marked text bidirectionally. For example, this tag can be used when languages written from right to left, such as Arabic or Persian, are used in a line from left to right. The <bdi> tag does not reverse the direction of the marked text, it just tells the browser that the text should be read in the opposite direction.

Using the HTML bdi Tag (Bi-Directional Isolation)

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